
Read more about development opportunities in West Pomerania!


Western Pomerania invites entrepreneurs looking for business contacts, investors, representatives of science and all those interested in RES development to its booth during NetZero Energy and H2POLAND!

Western Pomerania, thanks to its strategic location and developed infrastructure, could become a key region in Poland for the production and use of green hydrogen. Poland is currently the fifth largest producer of gray hydrogen in the world, and the nitrogen plant in Police ranks fourth in the country in terms of its production.

The region has huge potential for green hydrogen production, mainly due to the large amount of energy generated from renewable energy sources (RES). At its production peak in 2023, West Pomerania generated 22.7% more electricity than the province's demand and was the only region in Poland to produce more energy from RES than it consumed. The use of electrolyzers to produce hydrogen provides an excellent opportunity to develop surplus energy and stabilize the power grid.

Thanks to the operation of Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne “Police” S.A., one of the largest producers of gray hydrogen in Poland, the region has a solid foundation for the transition to green hydrogen. The development of technologies for the production, storage and use of hydrogen, for example in maritime and heavy transport, further strengthens West Pomerania's position in the hydrogen market.

Western Pomerania is characterized by a number of advantages, such as access to the sea, a developed logistics network and proximity to Germany and Scandinavian countries, which is conducive to the export of surplus hydrogen.
The region also has two seaports of primary importance to the national economy and several ports of regional importance.

Western Pomerania is one of the leaders in renewable energy production in Poland. In terms of the total installed capacity of licensed and registered RES installations (3.2 GW, not including micro-installations), the West Pomeranian Voivodeship currently ranks second in the country after the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship (3.7 GW), and ahead of the Pomorskie Voivodeship (1.9 GW) and Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship (1.8 GW).

One of the main challenges today is the demand side of hydrogen use, especially in the retail context. Support in terms of financing, introduction of investment tax credits and promotion of hydrogen as a fuel can significantly contribute to the development of this market. West Pomeranian companies, authorities and academia are already taking extensive measures in this regard.

RES Development Plans in West Pomerania.

West Pomerania is continuing its renewable energy sources (RES) development strategy, aiming to further increase energy production from green sources. Here are the key plans and initiatives:

Expansion of RES Infrastructure in Western Pomerania.

  • Wind Power Plants: The region plans to further expand onshore wind power plants, which already account for a significant portion of energy production. Western Pomerania is the leader in Poland in terms of installed wind power capacity.
  • Photovoltaics: Investment in photovoltaic installations is one of the priorities. There are plans to increase the installed capacity of photovoltaics, especially in rural areas and municipalities that have high solar potential.
  • Biomass and Biogas: The region intends to develop biomass and biogas facilities that can efficiently use local organic resources to produce energy.

Energy Storage. Western Pomerania plans to invest in modern energy storage technologies, including hydrogen storage. This will enable better management of surplus energy from RES and stabilize the power grid.

Cross-border cooperation. The proximity of Germany and the Scandinavian countries creates opportunities for cross-border cooperation in RES development. The region plans to intensify efforts for joint energy projects that can bring both economic and environmental benefits.

Education and Promotion. The regional government is placing great emphasis on education and promotion of renewable energy sources. Information campaigns and educational programs are being organized to raise public awareness of the benefits of RES.


Western Pomerania, with its natural resources, developed infrastructure and strategic location, has every predisposition to become a leader in the production and use of green hydrogen in Poland. The development of this sector could bring significant economic and environmental benefits to the region, making it a key player in the hydrogen market.


Białogard Sports and Recreation Center

Source: photo submitted - Western Pomerania



Cisowo Wind Farm

Source: photo submitted - Western Pomerania


Goleniow junction


Source: photo submitted - Western Pomerania