
New horizons for district heating: electrification, biogas or hydrogen


New horizons for district heating: electrification, biogas or hydrogen

8.04.2025, Poznań, MTP, PCC, level 2, stage 2, Earth Hall, 14:40-15:30

What are the challenges facing the heating sector in the face of the need to decarbonise and the search for new energy sources? Will electrification, especially using Power to Heat technologies such as heat pumps or electrode boilers, be able to replace fossil fuels and ensure system stability? What technological and economic barriers need to be overcome for biogas and biomethane to become more widely available in the Polish district heating sector? Will hydrogen become a viable energy carrier of the future, despite high production costs, storage problems and a lack of developed infrastructure?

The panel ‘New Horizons for District Heating: Electrification, Biogas or Hydrogen’ provides a space to discuss how to successfully overcome these obstacles and implement technologies that are key to the future of the Polish district heating sector.


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