
Increase in capacity by ORLEN Group in renewable energy


ORLEN Wind with a preliminary agreement to purchase two photovoltaic farms in the Lubuskie and Wielkopolskie provinces, with a total capacity of 280 MWp, and a wind farm with a capacity of 26 MW, located in the Łódzkie province. These farms are among the most modern in the country and will produce as much energy annually as is consumed by approximately 182,000 households.

As the company's website reads: ‘The concluded agreement covers the purchase of two photovoltaic farms. The first one is located in the village of Chotków, in Żagań county, Lubuskie voivodeship. It was commissioned in January this year. More than 61,000 photovoltaic panels have been installed on an area of 45 hectares, with a total capacity of 40 MWp. The installation is designed to reduce environmental impact. Raising the fence of the farm to a sufficient height allows small animals to move freely without disturbing their natural migration routes.

The second farm is located on a reclaimed area of a former open-cast lignite mine in the Przykona commune, in the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship. In its vicinity, the ORLEN Group already has photovoltaic and wind power installations with a total capacity of approximately 57 MW, and more, with a capacity of approximately 68 MW, are under construction. The photovoltaic farm being taken over has a capacity of 200 MWp and is currently being extended by a further 40 MWp. Completion is scheduled for the end of this year. Once the additional capacity is commissioned, it will be the largest photovoltaic farm in Poland and ORLEN Group will become its sole owner.’

It is worth following the further development of the Orlen Group, as they want to reach 9 GW of installed renewable energy capacity by 2030. The corporation is also actively developing offshore wind energy and the Baltic Power investment.

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