"Hydrogenisation of the Economy" - Call for applications is open until 2.09.2024

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management is accepting applications under the priority programme 'Hydrogenisation of the Economy'.
The aim of the programme is to support technologies, concerning the construction, implementation and commercialisation of innovative hydrogen-powered transport units. The programme will contribute to the achievement of the framework objectives set out in Action B2.1.1 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP).
The call will implement projects that comply with the new horizontal principle "do no significant harm" (DNSH principle), in relation to the 6 environmental objectives. It is understood that projects for the deployment of hydrogen technologies towards a low or zero carbon economy qualify as making a significant contribution to climate change mitigation. For projects concerning the construction of the deployment and commercialisation of innovative hydrogen-powered transport units, the specific objective will be met if the transport units resulting from the project are not intended to transport fossil fuels.
Types of projects
Research and development projects concerning new or retrofitted hydrogen-powered units, completed with a minimum of a 1:1 demonstrator;
Undertakings to increase production capacity for innovative hydrogen-powered transport units, e.g. by building a production line or factory.
Deadlines and submission of applications for WoD funding
The call for applications will take place through a competitive procedure. Applications must be submitted between 03.06.2024 and 02.09.2024, 23.59 hours.
WoD applications shall only be submitted electronically via the Grant Application Generator (GWD), using an electronic signature or a trusted profile.
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered under this call.
Call budget
The budget for the implementation of the programme objective is PLN 1,193,009,000, including:
- for non-returnable forms of financing: PLN 493,009,000
- for repayable forms of financing: PLN 700,000,000
- which constitutes 100% of the programme budget allocation.
Funding conditions
Minimum value of eligible costs: PLN 10 million;
Maximum grant amount: PLN 150 million;
Loan amount: up to PLN 300 million;
Interest rate of the loan on market conditions (the loan does not constitute state aid): interest rate at the level of the reference rate determined in accordance with the Communication from the European Commission on the revision of the method for setting the reference and discount rates (Official Journal of the EU C 14, 19.01.2008, p. 6), subject to sections 4a-4c of paragraph 6 of the "Rules for granting subsidies from the resources of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management";
The loan may be granted for a period of up to 15 years counted from the date of the planned disbursement of the first loan tranche to the date of the planned repayment of the last capital instalment. In justified cases, resulting from the specific nature of the project or the beneficiary, the period of financing the project in the form of a loan may be different, but not longer than 25 years;
Entrepreneurs within the meaning of the Act of 6 March 2018, as amended. Entrepreneurs' Law (i.e.: Journal of Laws of 2021, item 162 ). The condition for granting the subsidy is to have an establishment or branch in the Republic of Poland at the time of payment of the subsidy;
Units classified in the system of higher education and science in Article 7(1) of the Act of 20 July 2018. Law on higher education and science (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742), conducting scientific activity in accordance with this Act.
Source: NFOŚiGW