
Gas game changer of transformation


Gas game changer of transformation

8.04.2025, Poznań, MTP, PCC, level 2, stage 2, open space, 11:00-11:50 am

Poland's energy transition is a complex process, of which natural gas has become an important element. Its importance stems primarily from the stability of energy production, which is often lacking from renewable sources such as wind or photovoltaic power plants. Gas-fired power plants make it possible to respond quickly to changes in energy demand, balancing the energy system and minimizing the risk of power and heat supply interruptions. Despite these advantages, the use of gas in Poland's energy transition poses a number of challenges - economic, environmental and strategic such as:

  • Won't the high costs of transforming the energy sector, passed on to consumers, cause public resistance to further change?
  • Will dependence on imported gas not lead to even greater energy and economic instability for Poland
  • Won't environmental and regulatory pressures from the EU reduce the role of natural gas faster than planned, increasing investment risks?
  • Why has the development of biogas in Poland been so slow, despite the sector's great potential for the country's energy stability?
  • Paradoxically, instead of stabilizing the energy transition, won't natural gas become an economic and strategic burden?


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