
Enea Operator and energy storage - i.e. grid stabilisation on the horizon


In the Wielkopolska voivodship, and more specifically in the administrative district of Złotów, an 8 MW energy storage facility will be built at the Smolnica grid switching station near the town of Lipka. Its task will be to stabilise the operation and improve the quality of supplied electricity. The contractor for the investment will be Enea Operator.

The reason for a storage facility in the area is the dynamic development of distributed energy and the need to ensure and improve the quality of the energy supply in the areas supplied.

As you can read on the Enea Operator website:

- Energy storage facilities in the distribution network are no longer the future, but the present. They are indispensable especially in those locations where, thanks to their installation, we will guarantee reliability and continuity of electricity supply, reduce the need for network modernisation and support efficient and safe operation of the power system - said Marek Szymankiewicz, President of Enea Operator. - In a word, we will improve the quality of electricity supplied to our customers.

The company plans to complete the construction of the energy storage facility in 2026.

It is worth following this investment, as well as Enea's other plans, developments on the website:

Enea Operator
