Plan your participation in NetZero Energy and H2POLAND

"Hydrogenisation of the Economy" - Call for applications is open until 2.09.2024

Meeting of the Committee on Hydrogen Technologies and Energy Storage PSNM

EMISSION NEUTRAL TECHNOLOGIES Innovation, collaboration, commercialisation - the road to a sustainable future and energy security

Women in Hydrogen and Energy – The Power of Networking and Collaboration

Hydrogen Valleys Summit

24-03-25 GEH2 hydrogen-powered genset and thermal panels at Eneria CAT's booth!
24-03-25 Donaldson during NetZero Energy and H2POLAND will present novelties!
21-03-25 Presentation of an innovative hydrogen engine by HORUS Energia at the NetZero Energy and H2POLAND trade fairs
HORUS Energia will present an innovative hydrogen engine at NetZero Energy and H2POLAND.
20-03-25 PtX offshore and hydrogen integrator
19-03-25 Hydrogen-powered Toyota forklifts on NetZero Energy and H2POLAND!
New to the Polish market with the development of hydrogen supply infrastructure capabilities are hydrogen-powered Toyota forklifts.
19-03-25 INWEBIT with news during NetZero Energy and H2POLAND!
The Polish WSE electrolyzer is the product on display at the company's booth during NetZero Energy and H2POLAND.
19-03-25 Two new products from B&L International at NetZero Energy and H2POLAND
This year, B&L International will present two new products at its stand.
18-03-25 KLINGER with a novelty at NetZero Energy and H2POLAND
Klinger to present a basic product according to the results of the development
18-03-25 Gas game changer of transformation
18-03-25 Ventile&Fittings Praha with two new releases on NetZero Energy and H2POLAND!
The company will present innovations during NetZero Energy and H2POLAND that are related to hydrogen refueling.
17-03-25 Solaris Urbino 12 hydrogen on NetZero Energy and H2POLAND
Solaris Bus & Coach will be showcasing one of its hydrogen vehicles during NetZero Energy and H2POLAND.
17-03-25 New from STASTO on NetZero Energy and H2POLAND
STASTO Automation will showcase the KX 1000, an innovative hydrogen valve for pressures up to 1,000 bar.
17-03-25 Join us for a workshop: Hydrogen technologies: public acceptance, safety and regulation
14-03-25 Designing options-based approaches to decarbonise heavy industry in Central and Eastern Europe
We would like to invite you to a Round Table organised by CLEAN AIR TASK FORCE.
14-03-25 A novelty on the Polish market! H2 96.25 MPa refuelling kit from WEH Gas Technology GmbH
WEH Gas Technology GmbH with a novelty on NetZero Energy and H2POLAND.
13-03-25 New horizons for district heating: electrification, biogas or hydrogen
11-03-25 Conference #2morrow_EnergINN'2025
The #2morrow_EnergINN'2025 is the next edition of an industry conference initiated by Enea Operator, one of the five largest electricity distributors in Poland
09-03-25 Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region - Possible funding under the CBSS
The Council of the Baltic Sea States is calling for proposals under the Project Support Facility (PSF) 2025.
26-02-25 Clean Industrial Deal - a comprehensive strategy for decarbonisation
Unia Europejska przedstawiła dziś Clean Industrial Deal, odważny plan biznesowy wspierający konkurencyjność europejskiego przemysłu.
18-02-25 Meet PRF Gas Solutions and visit them on NetZero Energy and H2POLAND!
PRF Gas Solutions, founded in 1991, is a leading company in gas technology and infrastructure with a strong global presence.
04-03-25 Heavy industry and energy-intensive technologies: how to make Europe more competitive against China, USA and India
04-03-25 Clean Industrial Deal - same-same, but different. What has the EU learnt after 6 years of the European Green Deal?
25-02-25 Read more about development opportunities in West Pomerania!
Western Pomerania invites entrepreneurs looking for business contacts, investors, representatives of science and all those interested in RES development to its booth during NetZero Energy and H2POLAND!
17-02-25 Occupations of the future in the hydrogen economy: Opportunities and challenges in the labor market
17-02-25 Decarbonization - an opportunity or a threat to the Polish chemical industry?
17-02-25 Pathways to Decarbonization and Integration
19-02-25 SMR, HTTR and full-scale nuclear power plants - what is Poland's future?
19-02-25 ISO19443 and the certification process - practical issues
14-02-25 Hydrogen and Water Resources Management: Closing the Cycle
14-02-25 Hydrogen Meets Offshore &PtX: Pioneering the Green Energy Transition